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Registered: 09-2010
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Ur of the Chaldeans

Yesterday (Sunday), after the Skeptics lecture, a woman told me she was beginning to read my book, Secret Origins of the Bible. She said that one thing that really "jumped out" at her was my noting that the fact that Abrahamand his father Treh came from "Ur of the Chaldeans" demonstrated that that particular verse in Genesis had to have been written much later than the time of Moses, who, if he were real, lived sometime in the Late Bronze Age, most probably around 1200 BCE. Here's the actual verse (Gen. 11:28):

Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his birth, Ur of the Chaldeans.

 Ur was founded by the Sumerians. It later passed into the possession of the Akkadians. It wasn't until ca. 800 BCE that the Chaldeans, until then living west of the Euphrates River, infiltrated the region and took over Ur. Had the verse actually been written by Moses, it would have referred to Ur as being Ur of the Akkadians. Thus, whoever wrote this verse lived at a time when the Chaldeans had already occupied Ur, i.e. after 800.

This only one of many anachronisms in the Pentateuch that tell us it was written well after the time any historical Moses could have lived. I'd be interested to hear any arguments rebutting this reasoning.

1/31/2011, 1:55 pm Link to this post Send Email to Timothy Callahan   Send PM to Timothy Callahan Blog

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